Check out our video below on:

Masculine/Feminine roles in marriage.





Transform Your Life With

The Wisdom & Knowledge Training Course

designed to help individuals and groups

learn about the mbti model from a biblical perspective

Our Wisdom and Knowledge training course is the perfect choice for individuals looking to gain a deeper understanding of the MBTI model from a biblical worldview. This course provides invaluable knowledge and tools needed that can be used to make sound decisions in life and become successful. Participants will gain knowledge on how to unlock their unique design and use it to create powerful and meaningful relationships.

We Also Offer Coaching Services

To Bring Success In Your Relationships!




Relationships can be complex.
We have all been in difficult situations and found ourselves seeking guidance and strategies that work. That’s why we offer relationship coaching services from a biblical perspective. We provide guidance, tools, and resources backed by Scripture to help individuals, couples, families, and churches grow together in their relationships. Offering multiple formats to best fit your needs!

  • One-on-one sessions

  • Group sessions

  • In-person

  • Online



Individualized Training reviews

“I was looking to learn more about the 16 personality types from a biblical perspective. The course was organized well and had a strong biblical foundation, beginning and ending with God’s design. I went into this class with an open mind, hoping to absorb as much as I could. I really enjoyed learning about the eight cognitive functions and left with a deeper understanding of the differences between people and how they communicate. I was instantly able to understand how the different members of my family process information, allowing me to connect and communicate with them better. I would be interested in taking additional courses and I would recommend this course to people who have an interest in understanding others, whether for personal growth or work.

— Evelyn Lothrop

Coaching Reviews

“I honestly thought that my wife was to blame for most, if not all, of our marital issues. I know that sounds bad, but I’m just saying it like it is. What I learned from the coaching sessions is that we were both, in fact, equally responsible. One of us would say or do something that the other would find offensive and the other would retaliate by attacking their weak side. Not only did I not know I was doing this, but I didn’t realize that I myself had a weak side, much less know what it was, and that the same was true for my wife.

First, I had to take a look at myself. The coaching encouraged me to do this and gave me the tools to do it. Once I understood myself, I could look at my spouse and learn what her strong and weak sides were. We are now continuing to practice not stepping on each other’s “Achilles heels” and being more sensitive and accepting toward the other person’s personality traits. Which brings me to my next point: being more accepting of the other person’s personality. Here is a real-world example of what I mean:

A short time ago a teacher died. She was a teacher my wife and I both had, since we grew up in the same town and attended the same elementary school. This teacher was the most incredible teacher and amazing person you could ever hope to meet. If you were to ask ten people who attended that school who their favorite teacher of all time was, nine or maybe even all ten of them would respond immediately with this woman’s name. When I heard the news of her passing, I cried. I knew my wife would want to know about it.

I started walking across the house to where my wife was sitting and reading. I took two steps—quite literally—and stopped in my tracks. Recalling the training from the coaching, I just stood there and thought...How is she going to react to this news? She’s probably not going to cry. She probably will not say something like, “Oh no, not her, she was such a lovely person. I’m so sad”. And she didn’t. She merely said, “That’s too bad”. That was when, for the first time after 32 years of marriage, that I knew it was OK. It is OK for my wife to react according to her personality type. Just like it is OK for me to have my own genuine reaction.

It’s OK for us to be who we are.

— Jeff Smith