We are all involved in relationships by default as humans. Unless you are a perfect person, you’ve most likely experienced what it’s like to be frustrated with the people you love. It’s normal to have some friction with your spouse. If you have children, it can sometimes be difficult to see eye-to-eye with them. But wouldn’t you like to minimize those difficulties and learn how to better communicate with one another?

Are you driven to build and maintain relationships and yet are not satisfied with your progress? Then it might be useful to hire a coach. If you are not already driven to work well with people on your own, in particular in your free time, then the first step for you to do is to start there - you probably don't need a coach yet. Think of a track and field coach whose athlete isn't interested in running or a voice coach whose talent isn't interested in performing. In most instances, a coach is there for the person who has already been pushing themselves.


I believe there is a solid framework for understanding what makes people ‘tick.’ Once you get an understanding of why people act like they do (because of how they think) you’ll be able to communicate much better. You’ll spend less time struggling and more time building a full life.


I believe anyone I coach, in time, will see great benefit to themselves and the people with whom they are in contact. The coaching I offer will give you wisdom and knowledge in many areas. However, the primary focus will be on how to work with other people in practical ways.

My foundation is based on the belief that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of both wisdom and knowledge. This belief shapes not only how I see the world, but also how I strive to live my life. While this isn’t necessarily your belief, I can still offer you valuable insight and practical tools for helping you grow in your understanding of the people around you.

With this presupposition, we can see two distinct operations in people: wisdom and knowledge. When logic (true/false) and values (good/bad) are combined, they produce a person's wisdom. When our senses and imagination are combined, they create a person's knowledge. These specific functions are observable in people! Interestingly, once you begin to understand how each person relies differently on these distinct functions, effective communication can begin. Each person can hear and be heard!

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding.

- Proverbs 4:7