About Us:


“Our logic and values, separate and broken, are as diverse as humankind; God’s logic and values, unified and singular, are expressed in a person.”


Discovering the Power of Personality Through a Biblical Lens

Hello, I'm Jason Heavner, a certified MBTI practitioner and founder of [Wisdom] + [Knowledge]. My passion for understanding people and their unique personalities led me to create this communication coaching business. I firmly believe that the key to better communication among Christians, especially within churches, lies in understanding one another's unique personality design.

With over 18 years of marriage and the proud parent of six children, I have experienced firsthand the importance of effective communication in our daily lives. Through thousands of hours of research and personal experience, we've developed our own personality assessment tool and training courses to help individuals communicate better with one another.

My goal is to help people understand MBTI through a biblical lens, showing how different cognitive functions influence the way we use wisdom and knowledge. By doing so, I aim to help Christians communicate more effectively with one another, breaking down barriers in communication and fostering stronger relationships.

As a devout believer in the truth of the Bible and the power of wisdom as the principal thing, I am committed to pursuing God's wisdom in everything I do. My approach to coaching is centered around understanding people at their core, empowering them to overcome their communication challenges and achieve their goals.

With a rich background in understanding people and personalities, I am excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you. If you're seeking to improve your communication skills, deepen your relationships, and harness the power of personality, I invite you to explore my website and learn more about the services and resources I offer.

Together, we can unlock the true potential of communication through the wisdom of the Bible and the understanding of our unique personality designs.