Here are a few reasons you may want to consider donating:

  • You like the concept of people using the understanding of personality to create effective communication and you want someone who is passionate about the topic to keep promoting the idea.

  • You have been helped by Jason’s coaching.

  • You have benefited from Jason’s study of wisdom and knowledge.

Lastly, if you're like me and see a person charging $270 an hour and they have a donation page, I would be like, “You've got to be kidding me!!” But the fact is I don't always have enough paying customers for robust support. I also give away a lot of free content to people in need who can't afford it. In his book “The Prosperous Coach” by Rich Litvin and Steve Chandler, Steve Chandler says, “Don't be a pro bono bonehead.” Once I stop being a bonehead, I'll take down the donation page. Until then, if you like what you see and how it's helped you, we would be grateful for the donations.
